If you’re 50 plus years old, is it ok to undergo Orthodontic treatment?

If you’re 50 plus years old, is it ok to undergo Orthodontic treatment?

Many adults want to improve the appearance and health of their teeth but are concerned about the length of time and possible negative consequences of undergoing Invisalign or conventional orthodontic braces.

Well, more and more research is showing that adults do just as well with orthodontic treatment as teenagers even if the adult has compromised gum disease as long as it is under control.

Yes, the research presents clear evidence that not only do adults get the straight healthy teeth they’re looking for but also the length of treatment and possible negative consequences (ex. increased TMJ or gum disease) are no different for adults than teens!

Call or email us if you have questions or are ready to do something about your smile. Don’t be saying “I wish I had done something earlier”